<aside> 🔴 Welcome to the Builders Toolkit!

We have put together an onboarding guide to help you build successfully on Sei!


Documentation and Resources

<aside> 🔴 ***Here you'll find the essential Sei documentation, technical innovations, and direct contacts for eng team for any technical support you might need.

Note: Post tech questions and issues on Sei Github for quicker response (issues are reviewed by Sei dev team during daily standups)***


Documentation and Resources

Sei Ecosystem Toolbox

<aside> 🔴 This section compiles the technical tools available within the Sei ecosystem, including RPC providers, auditors, and other key services vital for development.


Ecosystem Toolbox

Community & Networking

<aside> 🔴 Connect with the Sei community, get the latest updates, and tap into our network for support and collaboration.


Community & Networking

Support & Feedback

<aside> 🔴 Look through FAQs for quick help, share your experience via our feedback form, and access our marketing toolkit for outreach.


Support & Feedback